- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes an experimental method for determining back-scattering in weakly inhomogeneous dispersive system, on which unified theoretical analysis has been reported previously. The requirement for the measurement system is examined generally, and the measurement cell and the electronic system are newly developed to meet those requirements in determining the differential back-scattering cross section of blood at 5MHz. Overall performance of the experimental system is proved to be quite satisfactory. The particle concentration dependency of the differentical back-scattering cross section is studied on blood cell suspension. Experimental results well agree with the theoretical prediction based on previously reported theory. Those results give an experimental support for previously reported form of the spatial correlation function describing the phase geometry of the dispersive system, and also comprises fundamental data for the design of ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1983-10-01
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