バフルの音場効果計算への Kirchhoff-Huygens 積分式の適用における誤差とその補正
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So called "Kirchhoff-Huygens Fomula" Φ≡φ/[(2<Q>^^^. exp[-irk])/r]=1+Φ_a (a) Φ=1-1/(2π)lmoust^^<2π>__0exp[ikr(φ)]dφ (b) (where φ: velocity potential, k: wave number, and other notations are shown in Fig. 1) is useful for the calculation of the sound field produced by a baffle having a point source, because it is applicable to the baffles of various shapes, moreover, numerical calculation is simple. However, this Fomula is derived under some assumptions which are satisfied only at high signal frequency. It is known that the error due to these assumptions cannot be ignored in practical use. In this paper the correction of the error is discussed. The assumptions concern the sound pressure on the plane containing the front of a baffle. The normalized sound pressure distribution on a circular plate baffle is shown in Fig. 4. As suggested in this example, improved approximation is given by using the mean value of the normalized pressure instead of the conventional assumption "6 dB". As the result of examination on the correction of error, following conclusions were obtained. 1) For the circular plate baffle (radius a) Φ=1+f_aΦ_a (c) is useful, where f_a is shown in Fig. 6. The error of this corrected formula is less than ±1 dB. 2) For a plate baffle of arbitrary shape, the mean radius a^^^-=1/(2π)⎰^^<2π>__0a(φ)dφ (d) should be used for the abscissa of Fig. 6 to obtain f_a. 3) For cylindrical and box baffles, it seems that uncorrected Kirchhoff-Huygens Formula is practically useful in present state.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1974-07-01
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- バフルの音場効果計算への Kirchhoff-Huygens 積分式の適用における誤差とその補正
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