- 論文の詳細を見る
Eurasianism was a historico-cultural and philosophical movement by Russian emigrants in Europa in the 20's and 30's. However, it is unknown that Eurasianism was believed to be an actual problem in the Far East, especially in Manchuria and Japan. The purpose of this paper is to report about the process of acceptance of Eurasianism in Manchuria and Japan by three persons: Renji Nakane, Saburo Shimano and V. N. Ivanov. Renji Nakane, a lecturer of the Kharbin Institute, translated "Geopolitical Notes on Russian History" written by R N. Savitskij. Nakane was a specialist of Russian history and concerned about historical relations between Russia and Asia. He made excellent comments about Eurasianism. Russin journalist Vsevolod Ivanov of Kharbin proposed "Asianism" against Eurasianists in Europe, although he guessed at the Eurasian view on the history of Russia. According to Ivanov, the upper echelon of the South Manchuria Railway Company had a special budget for translating Eurasian publications. It was probably done with the intention of using the "Asian inclination" of Eurasianism and Ivanov's "Asianism" to gain ideological support for the plan to establish "the New State" of Manchuria. The translation was entrusted to Saburo Shimano, a member of the Information Section of the South Manchuria Railway Company, who had studied in Rus-sia before the Revolution and had translated N. S. Trubetskoy's "Europe and Mankind". Contrary to the whishes of the upper echelon, Shimano translated not geopolitical, but sociopolitical and economic publications, especially those of N.N. Alekseev. Shimano found in Eurasian economic philosophy theoretical correlative to the "Project to Reorganize Japan" written by Ikki Kita, the ideological leader of the national-socialist organization of "Yuzonsha". The most precious translations by Shimano are N. N. Alekseev's "Possession and Socialism", "On the Way to the Future Russia" and "Eurasianism: Declaration, Formulation,Thesis".
- 日本スラヴ・東欧学会の論文
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