高血圧症と副腎皮質機能 : 第1篇 副腎皮質機能より見た高血圧患者の検討
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In 1898, Tigerstedt and Bergman detected a thermolabile, nondialyzable substance capable of increasing blood pressure in the extract of the rabbit kidney. Since then, the presence of this substance has been confirmed by a number of investigators. The name "renin" was given to this substance which integrated the humoral and neural elements of the renin-angiotensin system. However, its chemical structure is not clear even today. In 1934, Goldblatt and his associates succeeded in producing a persistent hypertension in dogs by constricting the main renal arteries. Their study was followed by others, in which the methods were modified to yield more reproducing results. In 1939, Page and Braun-Menendez independently discovered that renin itself had no activity to elevate blood pressure, but angiotensin possessed such an action. In 1953, Simpson & Reichstein isolated aldosterone as crystal. In 1955, Conn reported the presence of primary aldosteronism. Since then, attention has been paid to several features of aldosterone, such as enhancement of sodium transport, effection circulating blood volume and elevation of blood pressure. In 1960, Davis and his collaborators clarified that aldosterone-stimulating hormone, (ASH), secreted from the kidney, might be identical with renin.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
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- 高血圧症と副腎皮質機能 : 第1篇 副腎皮質機能より見た高血圧患者の検討
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- 38. ラッテにおける再生副腎の組織化学