代用尿路の研究 : 結腸膀胱107例の臨床的観察とくに遠隔成績を中心として
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During the past 12 years, 60 partial colocystoplasties for bladder enlargement and 47 total colocystoplasties for bladder substitution after total cystectomy have been performed. The chief lesions which necessitated these procedures were 56 tuberculous contracted bladders and 45 bladder cancers. The results during 3 to 12 years after the colocystoplasty were as follows. 1. The 5 year survival rate was 93 per cent in 59 partial colocystoplasties for benign disease and 48 per cent in 45 total colocystoplasties for malignant disease. The major causes of deaths were renal failure in the former and cancer recurrence in the latter. 2. The postoperative condition of micturition was nearly satisfactory on 47 partial colocystoplasties and 17 total colocystoplasties, but nocturnal incontinence was observed in 7 cases (41 per cent) in the latter. According to the observations of cystometry, urofiometry and voiding cineradiography of the sigmoid bladder, it was estimated that micturition occurred with abdominal straining and contraction of the sigmoid bladder. The ratio of residual/capacity decreased by bladder neck resection or urethral bougie in some cases with sigmoid bladder dysfunction. 3. To evaluate the renal function, intravenous pyelography, BUN and serum Cr had been tested in 56 cases. The data remained within normal range in most of patients and serum Cr was found to be a more important index of renal function than BUN because of possible reabsorption. Of 79 ureterosigmoidal anastomoses performed, there were 29 Kerr-Colby, 22 Nesbit, 10 Warwick and 18 Leadbetter. Among these, Leadbetter's technique was considered to be the most reliable one as judged by the findings of IVP. The obstruction following ureterosigmoidal anastomosis was treated by reanastomosis with consecutive good passage. The ureteral stricture at the anastomosed site after Kerr-Colby's technique resulted from a nodule, bud or nipple which formed on the intraluminal portion of the ureter. This fact was observed on autoptic and bioptic specimen.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1975-00-00
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