- 論文の詳細を見る
In the urological field, a number of clinical and experimental studies on allergic reaction have been accumulated, most of which dealt with 'Masugi's nephritis' in the kidney. However, the clinical or experimental studies on the allergy of the more distal urinary tract are still relatively few in number. The cystitis, one of the commonest diseases in the urological clinic is never cured by chemotherapy alone. Many cases resist to various kinds of treatment and recur. Some of them appears to be subsided by an empirical use of antiallergic preparation. Moreover, in several types of cystitis such as hemorrhagic, exsudative or interstitial cystitis, the cause is still unknown. As one of the developmental mechanisms in these cystitis with unknown etiology, one should attach great importance to the allergy. From this standpoint, the author made a basic study on the experimental cystitis in rabbits. Recently, the allergic reactions between different organs are being widely investigated in terms of autoimmune disease. Based on this idea, the author sensitized guinea pigs with rabbit's bladder as the antigen, and injected the guinea pig's anti-rabbit-bladder sera thus produced into the rabbit's bladder in an attempt to induce a reversed anaplylaxis at the local mucosa. The following points were investigated immunobacteriologically and histopathologically. Does a typical allergic reaction occur? How severe is the degree of reaction, if it occurs, and does it actually induce a cystitis? What is the influence of bacterial infection on the development of the allergy? Meantime, hematologic and urinary findings at the beginning of this experimental allergic cystitis, and the alteration of blood histamine, serotonin, important chemical mediators of the allergic reaction and of urinary 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) were studied. Finally, the effects of various antiallergic drugs on the development of this allergic experimental cystitis were compared. The results can be summarized as follows. 1) Guinea pigs were sensitized with lyopholized whole bladder tissue of a rabbit. The antibody titer in the anti-rabbit-bladder serum of guinea pig was measured by precipitation method, Ouchterlony's method, sensitized hemagglutination reaction, intradermal reaction and PCA reaction. Specific antibodies to the rabbit's bladder tissue were proved. 2) To induce the bladder allergy, natural method considering on structural property of the bladder, without administering a large stress to the animal and not via blood stream, was chosen. Namely, anti-rabbit-bladder sera of guinea pig was infused into the rabbit bladder every other day three times, by way of the development of reversed anaphylaxis and the bladder allergy was actually induced. 3) Histopathological changes were investigated on the experimental rabbit group. Significant different changes were noted between the control and the experimental group, which showed macroscopically diffuse edema and hyperinemia in the mucouns membrane of the bladder and microscopically vascular proliferation and dilatation, edema in ground substance and cell infiltration rich in eosinophilic cells and lypmhocytes. No particular changes were observed in kidney or any other organs histopathologically. 4) Potentiated changes were not evidenced histopathologically on the rabbits treated with the injection of the bladder antibody and the strain of E. coli (0-6) into the bladder. In spite of the fact that the bacterial infection was not noticed in the normal rabbit bladder treated with the injection of E. coli, the proliferation of the injected bacteria was clearly observed in the bladder of the allergic state.
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