尿路結石症と尿中蓚酸量 : II. 尿中の蓚酸と電解質との関係
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Previously, we reported on the urinary oxalic acid excretion in normal adults and patients with urinary calculi. In this report, we studied the relationship of urinary oxalic acid and urinary electrolytes. The results were: 1) Calcium: There was no relationship between oxalic acid and calcium in the urine, or no difference in calcium excretion between normal adults and patients with urinary calculi. 2) Phosphorus: A good correlation between oxalic acid and phosphorus in the urine (the coefficient of correlation was +0.66), and slightly elevated excretion of phosphorus in patients with multiple calculi were found. 3) Magnesium: There was no relationship between oxalic acid and magnesium in the urine, or no difference in magnesium excretion or magnesium-calcium ratio (Mg/ca) between normal adults and patients with urinary calculi. But, the ratio of magnesium to oxalic acid in the urine (Mg/Oxal or Mg/Ca×Oxal) was lower in patients with urinary calculi than normal adults, especially in patints with multiple calculi, i.e. Mg/Oxal was lower than 2.0 and Mg/Ca×Oxal lower than 0.01. This suggested that development of oxalate stone may be dependent upon the magnesium-oxalic acid unbalance in the urine (Anequilibrimagnesiuria), i.e. a relative lowering of magnesium concentration to oxalic acid concentration in the urine.
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