腎結核と自立神經機能 : 第2報 腎結核患者の血清Ca及びK量について
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In paper I of this series, it was reported that the function of the autonomic nervous system examined with the pharmacodynamic tests and mechanical tests, was in the state of hypertonia of para-sympathetic nervous system and hypotonia of sympaticotonic state two weeks after the removal of tuberculous kidney. In the present paper, serum calcium and potassium, which have been considered to have close relation with the function of the autonomic nervous system, were estimated in 20 renal tuberculosis patients before and three weeks after the removal of tubeculous kidney. 'The results were as follows: 1) In healthy adults (male: 10, female: 10), amount of serum Ca was 10.4l±0.16 mg/dl, K, 18.98±0.54 mg/dl and K/Ca, 1.80±0.02. 2) In unilateral renal tuberculosis patients (male: 7, female: 13). Ca was 9.27±0.64 mg/dl, K; 21.84±0.88 mg/dl and K/Ca, 2.40±0.19. With the advance of tuberculous changes in the kidney, serum Ca tended to decrease, on the other hand. K and K/Ca, tended to increase. Three weeks after the removal of tuberculous kidney, serum Ca returned to the normal 'amount, and K and K/Ca approached to the normal degree. 3) In renal tuberculosis, serum Ca tended to increase, on the other hand. K and K/Ca tended to decrease by the injection of adrenalin, and these changes were more conspicuous three weeks after the removal of tuberculous kidney. When pirocalpin was injected, serum Ca tended to decrease both before and after, irrespective of the removal of tuberculous kidney. However. K/Ca tended to decrease before the removal and to increase after it. 4) In many of genito-urinary tuberculous patients, those who had a high K/Ca were moer likely to have vagotone adrenalin reaction on the curve of the blood pressure after adrenalin injections, and those with a low K/Ca were more likely to have sympathikotone adrenalin reaction.
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