泌尿器科領域におけるビタミンの研究 : 第1報 ビタミンと性腺機能
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Concerning the relationship between gonadal function and vitamins, reports by various investigators are already available. All of these deal with gonadal function in vitamin deficiency. We have therefore caused a disturbance of sperma to genic function through X-ray irradiation experimentally using adult rats of Wistar strain to study the influence of V-B_1, V-E, V-B_<12>, V-B_1, B_6, B_<12> complex, and pantethine on their recovery process. In order to study the relationship between the testicular storma and vitamins, these vitamins were administered following cadmium chloride administration to see the effect of these vitamins on the recovery process of the stroma. Administration of theseitamins facilitated the spermatogenetic function but administration of vitamin E and vitamin B_<12> alone in a large dose rather inhibit the sperma to genetic function. Upon administration as the complex, even at a dose producing disturbance in administration of a single substance, stimulation of the sperma to genetic function was rather found to our interest. The effect of vitamins was not so pronounced against a disturbance of spermatogenetic function such as X-ray injury. As compared with the group treated by X-ray irradiation alone, the revovery of spermatogenetic function was more pronounced. In the metabolic aspect, changes in the metabolic pattern corresponding to various vitamins might indicate the effect of vitamins in the metabolic aspect. The changes in the stroma might also indicate the facilitation of recovery due to vitamin administration.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
松下 〓三郎
竹内 睦男
佐々木 桂一
松下 三郎
竹内 睦男
佐々木 桂一
一条 貞敏
白石 将文
松下 〓三郎
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