- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous study, the re-construction of normal vaginal flora which was made up with artificial colonization of cultured viable Lactobacilli, was proved to be effective in preventing the recurrent urinary tract infection, and then it was clarified that the acquired ill disposition, easily falling in recurrent urinary infection, in preclimacteric females resulted from the establishment of pathogenic bacterial flora on their vaginal mucosa. The procedure, the colonization of viable Lactobacilli on vaginal mucosa, had resulted in some 80 to 90% effectiveness in preventing the recurrent urinary infection for from 14 to 34 months, period in each of 17 cases successfully tried out. There were 9 cases out of them, who were without the persistence of Lactobacilli from their vagina in the above-mentioned follow up/or and further 12 months, periods, and their fates for urinary tract infection were as followings, a) 2 cases had re-acquired the ill disposition, b) 2 cases had entirely been free from the urinary tract infection for 46 and 38 months respectively since the completion of the procedure, c) 4 cases had suffered from one or 2 single episode infections through the follow-up period from 24 to 38 months, d) the last one case had been free from inflection in the first 20 months, and then suffered 2 infections in the last 6 months through her 37 months, follow up period, and the effectiveness of the procedure was suspended.
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