文化十三年(1816)の阿蘇『湯の谷大変』 : 古文書・絵図資料による水蒸気爆発記録
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Yunotani spa is located to the west part of the Central cones of Aso Volcano. Since the 14th Century, many people have been visiting this hot spring. A few explosions were referred in an old document "Nagano-ke-nikki; Diary of Nagano family". However, the details of these events are not yet clear. We have found a set of historical records on the explosion called "Yunotani Catastrophe" that took place at the solfatara of Yunotani spa in July 6, 1816. These records, two drawings and five reports on the explosion, describe the events and damages in detail. A lot of "hot-mud" with many blocks were ejected from two vents, and destroyed 12 bathrooms and injured one person in the area about 100 m from the vents. Judging from the descriptions and occurrences of the hydrothermally altered ejecta around the vents, it can be said that this event was caused by steam explosions from the solfatara. By the revelation of these records, it became clear that an explosion occurred not only at Naka-dake but also in the area outside of Naka-dake in the historic age. This fact is important for the prevention of volcanic disaster in Aso Volcano.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本火山学会の論文
- 2001-08-30
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- 阿蘇火山中岳における2003年7月10日の土砂噴出調査報告
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- 雲仙普賢岳1990年11月〜1991年5月の噴火活動 : 噴火開始から溶岩出現まで
- 69A. 最近の阿蘇中岳活動の推移(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
- A69 最近の阿蘇中岳活動の推移
- 文化十三年(1816)の阿蘇『湯の谷大変』 : 古文書・絵図資料による水蒸気爆発記録
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