- 論文の詳細を見る
Biostratigraphy of the assemblages of marine molluscs from various stratigraphic levels in the geological column of many places in the Japanese Islands has resulted in the recognition of a three-fold division of the Miocene formations, and two of the Pliocene. The Early Miocene molluscan assemblages consist of tropical to subtropical elements that are distributed throughout the Japanese Islands. On the other hand, the molluscan assemblages of younger ages are characterized by possessing temperate to cool water elements except for those distributed in Southem Japan. Recent attempts have been made for world-wide correlation of the Neogene formations based upon the planktonic foraminifers which are distributed meridionally along the tropical to subtropical zones. However, their applications to areas outside of the said zone are difficult in ages youngdr than Early Miocene because of their geographic and thermal limitations. For this reason regional correlations of formations younger than Early Miocene may better be based upon other kinds of fossils such as molluscs, brachiopods, echinoids, and others. Based upon some pectinid fossils regional correlations of the Japanese Neogene formations with those distributed in the Northern Pacific borderland were undertaken. As the result it is evident that the Early Pliocene formations with the so-called Onma-Manganji Fauna distributed along the Japan Sea borderland can be correlated with the Pomyr of Sakhalin, Upper Kavran of West Kamchatka and the Tachilni and Unga of Alaska.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1973-03-31
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