- 論文の詳細を見る
Dual biostratigraphic zonal schemes based on both planktonic and benthonic foraminifers had been established for the Middle to Upper Cretaceous sequence developed in the meridional zone of Hokkaido by MAIYA and TAKAYANAGI (1977). After that, many authors have been carrying out the investigation of Cretaceous foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the eastern part of Hokkaido and the Kanto region (MATSUMOTO et al., 1981; KAIHO, 1984; OBATA et al. 1982; YAMADA, 1984). Consequently, in addition to the foraminiferal zones by MAIYA and TAKAYANAGI (1977), three planktonic and four benethonic zones are newly proposed for the Cretaceous sequences of Japan. They are as follows- the Globigerinelloides ferreolensis-Globigerinelloides macrocameratus Zone (upper Aptian), Ticinella zone (lower Albian), Rugoglobigerina Zone (Maastrichtian) in respect to planktonic zones and the Verneulinoides plexus neocomiensis-Lenticulina heiermani Zone (Barremian), Lenticulina nodosa-Falsoguttulina obatai Zone - (uppermost Barremian to lower Aptian), Gyroidinoides infracretaceous-Planulina suturalis Zone (upper Aptian) and Spiroplectammina grzybowski-Silicosigmoilina futabaensis Zone (Maastrichtian) in terms of benthonic zones. Thus, on the basis of the first and last occurrence and abundance of a given species, a sequence of lower to uppermost Cretaceous (Barremian to Maastrichtian) marine strata of Japan is biostratigraphically subdivided into ten planktonic zones and ten benthonic ones. The correlation of these zones with those of mega fossils (inocerami and ammonites) shows a bio- and chrono-stratigraphically good coincidence. It is confirmed that the zonal schemes based on both planktonic and benthonic foraminifers are very useful not only for regional correlation of Cretaceous sidiments with in Japan, but also for inter-regional correlation between the Cretaceous sequences exposed at distant parts of the European type region and Japan. In addition, the vertical changes of the calcareous foraminiferal dominance and the composition of the faunal assemblages themselves suggest that the Cretaceous depositional environments were under a closed and stagnant condition during the Barremian and Cenomanian through the Turonian stages, and under an aerobic condition in the face of open sea during the Aptian through Albian and Coniacian through Santonian stages.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1985-03-30
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- 北海道大夕張地域白亜系セノマニアン階 大型化石-微化石の統合生層序 : 特にその上下限の検討(その1)
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- 古環境と有機物-1-新第三紀新潟堆積盆地における古環境と古地理の変遷 (「石油の生成と移動の時期」シンポジウム特集号)
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- 討論記事
- 富山県灘浦地方の新第三系の微化石層序
- 北海道北部海域試掘井の層序と古生物 : 古生物
- 第26回万国地質学会に出席して
- 浮遊性有孔虫による島根県布志名層の地質時代
- 北海道菊面沢の上部白亜系におけるイノセラムス・有孔虫化石の対応
- 日本の白亜系の有孔虫化石帯区分と国際対比について
- 日本の微化石による分帯とStratotypesとの対比 : 白亜系の国際対比 : 現状と問題