含稀元素鑛物の研究(其の 11) : 京都府中郡河邊村白石産河邊石
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In a pegmatite croped in Kobe-mura, Kyoto prefecture, Japan, one of the writers (Takubo) had found a new mineral associated with rare element minerals such as tscheffkinite, allanite, monazite and xenotime., This mineral is prismatic in habit and the crystals are grouped in twin-like forms., Color black and luster vitreous., The chemical composition is expressed by a meta-titanate, niobate formula as shown as R^IIO・2R^III 2O 3・5(TiO 2+SiO 2+Nb 2O 5+Ta 2O 5)・2H 2O=R^II[R^III(OH)] 4[(Ti,Si)O 3,[{Nb,Ta)O 3} 2] 5 and it nearly corresponds to the general formula proposed by F.,Machatschki for euxenite-polycrase and priorite-blomstrandite series., The content of TiO 2 is, however, exceedingly high compared with that of polycrase or blomstrandite., So the writers propose here to call this mineral "Kobeite" after the name of the locality.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1950-12-30
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