- 論文の詳細を見る
On August 1950, I examined and treated number of dental caries and time of dental eruption of permanent teeth of the boys and girls of primary, secondary, and high school of Takane and Kamihata Villages in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and I obtained the following results. As to actual number of teeth in each year of age generally in which female children are greater number than male. and actual number of permanent teeth in each of age also female children are greater than male. As to rate of the dental caries female children from 7 to 9 years of age are greater than male and another years of age male children are greater. In whole materiell rich rate of dental caries are 48 percents, and it seems to be less than another quaters. The caries late of 1st permanent moler seems to be less than in Tokyo, by Higaki (1949). The time of dental eruption of permanent teeth seems to be later than in pre-war condition and earlier than in Tokyo City by Okuie (in 1948)(Author's abstracted).
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1953-12-20
- 6. 歯牙の環境衛生学的研究 : VII 齲歯の逐年的推移 : 口乳歯(第 3 回九州齒科学会総会)
- 九州人における過剰歯並びに歯冠形態異常の出現率
- 昭和 29 年度に於ける福岡県下二、三小学生のむし歯と永久歯の生歯期について(第十五回 九州歯科学会総会)
- (推)口吻度と咬合、歯列弓、口蓋及び口唇との関係(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 6. 体格と永久歯生歯期との関係(第 14 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 山口縣無医村の小、中、高校生の齲歯数と永久歯萠出期について
- 山口縣無醫村生徒兒童の齲齒數と永久齒萠出期に就て(九州齒科學會 4 月例會)
- 九州地方に於ける斑状歯の研究-2-