Bacillus subtilis(Sb 株)の抗 Candida 作用に就いて : I Sb 株の一般性状並びに抗 Candida 作用態度とその基礎的実験
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Gram-positive, spore-forming bacilli have been isolated from the air in our laboratory which inhibited growth of Candida albicans. Examinations of the cultural characteristics of these strains have led us to classify them into the species of Bacillus subtilis following Bergey's classification and we have decided to christen them as strains-Sb. Of the ten strains isolated, the strain Sb-2w was selected for the present experiment due to its strongest inhibiting activity against Candida. The results of the experiments are summarized as follows. 1) Of all the Candida strains deriving from those of A.T.T.C. as tested against Sb-2w, the inhibition was most strongly demonstrated against C. albicans and C. stellatoidea, but relatively low against C. parakrusei and C. guilliermondi, and ineffective against C. tropicalis, C. Krusei and C. pseudotoropicalis. It must be particularly emphasized that there was a sharp difference in sensitivity toward Sb-2w between C. albicans and C. tropicalis, in spite of the closest resemblance between them in point of their morphorogical and physiological characters. This discriminating activity of Sb-2w was developed invariably not only between the C. albicans and C. tropicalis but also between other Candida strains, all recoverd from the human mouth. It is the known fact that Candida albicans does not always permit identification solely on the basis of their typical cultural and fermentative characteristics. Hence, the more accurate and ready identification of Candida species would be accomplished by utilizing the inhibitory action of Sb. in parallel with using Martin's classification. 2) The organism Sb-2w was also slightly inhibitory against staphylococcus aureus. 3) In the assay of the antifungal activity of the Sb-2w's filtrates, the serial dilution method was most favored by the author. The method is as follows. The culture filtrate of Sb-2w was diluted serially with Sabouraud's peptone water (pH5.8), and, one drop of uniform suspension of the organisms in amount of 10^<-3>mg/ml was placed in each of a series of dilution tube, incubated at 37℃ for 24 hours and the turbidity was measured macroscopically. 4) Activity of this organism against Candida was bacteriostatic, sometimes probably bactericidal, depending either upon the amount of the organisms tested, or upon concentration of the filtrate. 5) Pathogenicity : Starting from Iml, increasing gradually, a total of 20ml in ten days of 24-hour broth culture of the strain Sb-2w was injected both subcutaneously and intraperitoneally into mice once a day, and no toxic sign was observed. 6) The active principle of the bacterial filtrate was extracellular and was not confirmed in the bacterial cells.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1958-06-30
- 43. 歯牙表面微細構造の電顕的観察
- 3. 各種真菌細胞のミトコンドリアの微細構造
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- 2. Candida albicans の germ tube について
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