- 論文の詳細を見る
Surgically treated cases were followed up clinically from 6 months on to 3 years after the operation by examining pus formation and deepening of pocket, and the results were analyzed by x^2 method. The summary is as follows. 1) Relapsing into the characteristic symptoms of the disease occurred at approximately the same period after the operation, regardless of whether Neumann's or our modified method had been applied. 2) When the teeth were not fixed by the permanent splint after the operation, pus formation increased, though depth of pocket remained unchanged. 3) Continued practice of washing the wound before its complete healing resulted frequent cases of early pus formation which increased with increasing time interval. Depth of pocket, however, was not affected by the practice. 4) Relapse in pus formation began past 6 months after the operation, retreating to the pre-operative state by 2 to 3 years course. 5) In the cases of periodotosis of molar region which were treated by gingivectomy, depth of pocket remained at about 2mm at the 3rd month of operation, but it began to increase after that, approaching to preoperative state by 2 to 3 years course. In the cases of operation by Neumann's or our modified flap method applied on the anterior tooth region, the depth of pocket were decreased than preoperative state and remained as such during our observation period. 6) X-ray examination revealed the presence of additive regeneration of alveolar bone after the operation. 7) Claims raised by the patients may be summarized as follows. All the symptoms of the lesion improved for the time being, but they started reappearing by about I year after the operation, the most frequent of all being bleeding from gingiva. (It should be conceded that these obsrvations have been based on the statistically computed hypothesis which have naturally certain limitations.)
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1956-01-31
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- 歯槽膿漏の外科的手術治験例に対する検討(歯槽膿漏症の研究)
- 歯槽膿漏患者に於ける遊離歯齦部の臨床病理学的觀察(歯槽膿漏症の研究)
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- 肺結核患者の歯牙並にその歯周組織に就いての臨床的、病理学的觀察
- 38. 歯槽膿漏罹患歯の知覚過敏並びにその歯髓組織の病理学的検索(予報)(第 14 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 37. 結核患者の歯牙並びに歯周組織の病理学的所見(第 14 回九州歯科学会総会)
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