- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey of finger-print patterns has been conducted on a population of inhabitants residing in Shinyoshitomi village, Fukuoka prefecture. 1) Of the totals for individual fingers, there was a tendency that in the male S type was dominant in the first finger alone of the left hand and OW type in the same finger of the right hand, while in the female S type was dominant in the 3rd finger alone of the right hand. Sex difference was always exhibited in the right hand of the subjects examined and thus in the male OW type was dominant in the 1st finger, in the 2nd finger, however, B type was dominant in the female and OW type was dominant in the male. 2) Of the totals for five fingers, B type was dominant in the male's left hand, and S type in the female's right hand. Sex difference was not observed on the left hand, but in the right hand B and S types were dominant in the female with safe difference as well as with tendency difference. OW type conversedly tended to be dominant in the male. 3) Of the totals for ten fingers, B type alone was clearly dominant in the female, and otherwise there was no sex difference observed. 4) The frequency of the finger-print forms as examined for both sexes was revealed to be in the following decreasing order : OWs, S_5, SOW_4, and these three forms were regarded as the representative forms of finger-print prevalent in this district. 5) On the basis of the mean type difference as calculated for the total of ten finger patterns, comparison was made between this and the surrounding village inhabitants to know whether there were some consanguineous relation among them. The results have shown that some consanguinity existed among the inhabitants whose localities and cultural habits were closely related, but among those whose localities, although situated close to each other, were estranged from each other by inconvenient communication, the finger-print patterns also showed heterogeneity and suggested nothing of consanguinity present.
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