- 論文の詳細を見る
In daily clinical practice, dysqeusia patients having lingual abnormal findings are frequently encounted. However, most of studies were aimed at the taste buds and that controlling nerve. Therefore, with a purpose to investigate roles of the lingual body mucosa, especially the form of the lingual papillae and their functional maintenance, the author transected the unilateral lingual nerve of rats, and scanning electron microscopic and histopathological examinations were made of the changes in the anterior region of the tongue. The results were as follows : 1. Bending of the lingual tip region to the non-transected side was noted in a rat 24 hours after the transection of the lingual nerve, and since then bending accompanied by atrophy of the tongue musculature was very frequently observed until the 21st day after the transection. 2. From 3rd day after the transection, the filiform papillar arrangement became irregular and ulcerous changes accompanied by the defective lingual papillae were noted in the lingual tip or marginal region. The changes were continued until the 14th day after the transection were no longer noted on the days thereafter. 3. From 3rd day after the transection, the taste buds of the fungiform papillae began to show degenerative findings and the taste bud-composing cells decreased markedly in number. 4. On 7th day after the transection, all the taste buds were completely degenerated and disappeared and were displaced by surrounding epithelial cells. Observation by SEM revealed strong atrophy in the fungiform papillae and difficulty in discriminating the fungiform papillae. 5. On 21st day after the transection, regenerated taste buds were observed in the epithelial layer of the fungiform papillae. The taste pores were insufficiently developed and their communication with outside was not yet observed. All the cases showed opening of the taste pores since the 35th day after transection of the lingual nerve. 6. Degeneration and regeneration, caused by transection of the lingual nerve, of the fungiform papillae and their taste buds distributed the lingual tip and around medial groove in the lingual body were not necessarily limited to the transected side but extended to some of the non-transected side as well. Also, in the transected side, papillae presenting normal findings without being affected were observed. The above results suggest that the lingual nerve was very importantly associated not only with sense, regeneration and differentiation of the taste buds but also with functional maintenance of the lingual body mucosa, and that it was involved somehow in movement of musculature of the lingual tip region.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1986-02-25
- 17. 九州歯科大学第 1 口腔外科における 1 年間(平成 2 年)の外来患者に対する統計的観察(第 51 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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