- 論文の詳細を見る
The research on the subject of splitting lines has a long history. Benninghoff and his school clarified the meaning of the splitting lines tentatively (1925). However, no interpretation has been presented by them about the irregular splitting lines that frequently appear and are observed in the line systems of the splitting lines. Prof. T. NAKAYAMA, M. D., (1957) attached special importance to the appearance of those irregular splitting lines and disclosed his study, offering the following opinion with regards to their significance. He concluded that the appearance of such irregular splitting lines is a direct functional manifestation that may be interpreted as a sort of defense reaction of the tissue, and insisted that the phase of growth of the organs and tissues should be grasped by the observation and investigation of both line systems and irregular splitting lines together. Based on the opinion of Dr. Nakayama, the author has made a series of study in order to investigate whether or not such special irritations to the human tooth as dental caries, abrasion, attrition or operative dentistry would cause irregular splitting lines to the dentin of tooth as a defense reaction. The study has led the author to the following views : 1. In the case of human tooth, too, the appearance of the irregular splitting lines as a defense reaction was observed partially in the dentin. 2. The appearance of the irregular splitting lines was not observed on the surface of the dentin. 3. In the cross section of the tooth, no irregular splitting line was obsered at the superficial layer of the dentin, while both cases of appearance and non-appearance of those lines observed at the deep layer. i) In the case of non-appearance, the reparative dentin formed as a defense reaction showed a small protuberance. ii) In the case of appearance, the formation of the reparative dentin was odserved as a large protuberance. As the cause of such difference, in the case ii) where the growth and formation of the reparative dentin is conspicuous, the growth force influences, as a component, the primary dentin insufficiently calcified in the course of development. The border line between the conspicuous reparative dentin and the deep layer of the primary dentin that come in contact with it makes a marked curvature, convex toward the superficial layer of the primary dentin. The splitting lines develop along this curvature and appear as the irregular ones, which is obviously odserved in the microscopic photo (fig. 8-b). 4. Appearance of the irregular splitting lines as a defense reaction, based on the Nakayama theory, is notably observed in the reparative dentin. There are two kinds of irregular lines that run to different directions seen among those lines, one of which is the lines developing along the edge of the rise of reparative dentin, and the others appear at a right angle toward the edge. When these two irregular splitting lines are observed togethor with the conditions of the caries, the former are seen appearing largely with the chronic, caries, while the latter appears oftener with the comparatively accute cases. 5. It is clearly observed in the microscopic photo (fig. 7, 8, 9) that the development of all these splitting lines corresponds to direction of the main arrangement of fibrils of the dentin matrix on the surface of the dentin of the individual teeth examined. From the way the irregular splitting lines appear in the dentin, the conditions of irritation the tooth sustained and the phase of growth of the reparative dentin formed as a defense reaction may be conjectured.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1971-03-31
- 18. 成犬下顎骨の自家骨移植部における分裂線について(予報)(第 29 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 肩甲舌骨筋下腹の稀なる重複例
- 23. 先天性風診児の乳歯残存に関する統計的観察(第 38 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 奇静脈および半奇静脈系の形態とその起始根, 特に上行腰静脈について
- 腹腔動脈および上腸間膜動脈領域における異常 2 例
- 先天性風疹症候群児の乳歯残存に関する統計的観察
- 先天性風疹症候群児の頭顔部と歯列弓の相関について
- 24. 沖縄県における先天性風疹症候群児童の口腔内所見(第 38 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 22. 先天性風疹児における頭顔部と歯列弓との相関について(第 38 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 4. 沖縄における保育園児乳歯列の形態学的研究 : 第 1 報那覇地区(第 38 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 先天性風疹症候群児(12 才)永久歯の Dentition について
- 破格三例 : 小腸骨筋、異常胆嚢動脉、過剰腎動脉
- 上顎大臼歯部に於ける過剰歯二例
- 現代日本人下顎大臼歯の原始的形質について
- 上腕二頭筋破格の追加
- 28. 犬の坐骨神経切断後の膝関節軟骨における分裂線について
- 17. 犬の大腿骨頭に於ける分裂線の関節軟骨と骨質表面との関係に就て
- 18. 上顎小臼歯の彎曲徴について(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 17. 上顎前歯の彎曲徴について(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 2. 脳硬膜の分裂線について(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 1. 伝導路研究に対する分裂線法の応用(その 1)錐体路の検索(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 前頸部における異常筋三例 : 胸骨甲状筋, 鎖骨舌骨筋, 顎二腹筋前腹
- 42. 齲蝕歯牙の分裂線 (Splitting Lines) について
- 6. 本年度(昭和 39 年度)解剖実習における興味ある破格例について(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 4. 鹿児島県屋久島々民特に林業現業員の形質人類学的研究(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 上腕二頭筋ならびに胸鎖乳突筋の異常例
- 下顎臼歯の根分岐部における Enamel Projection について
- 7. 根間突起について : 第 1 報 下顎第 2 乳臼歯および第 1, 第 2 大臼歯(第 28 回 九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
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