虚弱下顎骨に対するカルシウム, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する光顕的ならびに超微形態的研究
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After inducing bone debility in three-week-old male Wistar rats by providing calcium-deficient food, a treatment method combining standard food containing calcium and ECT (0.2 u/kg ; intramuscular injection), synthetic eel CT inducer, was used for five weeks, and the effect of the treatment was investigated. The results were as follows : I. Histopathological findings In the calcium-deficient food group, as compared with the control group, bone quantity decreased sharply ; fasciculated bone was resorbed over the whole area ; bone marrow enlarged markedly in spongy bone ; and low-calcified layers intermingled with connective tissues were seen. In the osteoid tissue, bone lacunae of irregular shapes were seen sporadically. In the calcium-deficient food plus standard food group, as compared with the calcium-deficient food group, bone remodeling was actively in progress and cementing lines were markedly seen in the transition area from bone resorption to bone formation. In the combined treatment groups, as compared with the calcium-deficient food plus standard food group, bone lacunae around the Haversian canals increased in spongy bone and so called the Haversian system was seen. Bone formation exceeded bone resorption and marked bone reconstruction was observed. The buccal and central alveolar bones adjacent to enamel organs showed active remodeling. As compared with the control group, however, many connective tissues were found in the spaces between trabeculae, and bone construction was decrased. II. In the calcium-deficient group as compared with the control group, the matrix formation surface in the whole of the alveolar bone was faveolate, and fasciculated bone, spongy bone, and cortical bone showed extensive resorption findings in the whole area. In the calcium-deficient food plus standard food group as compared with the calcium-deficient food group, the osseous layer in the whole of the alveolar bone showed active conversion of bone and the bone surface showed an increase in smooth planes. In the calcium-deficient food plus standard food plus ECT group as compared with the calcium-deficient food plus standard food group, bone construction in the whole of the osseous layer was expedited but the layer was formed thin as compared with the control group. Furthermore, bundles of collagen fibers running in a given direction were found and in the surface layer, collagen fibrils were found. On the basis of the foregoing findings, the combination therapy of Ca and CT for debilitated mandibles showed marked conversion of bone due to an increase in bone quantity and also showed clear reconstruction of bone.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1994-02-25
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- 虚弱下顎骨に対するカルシウム, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する光顕的ならびに超微形態的研究
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