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Topographic anatomical study of the cranial base around the foramen magnum of 52 male Middle Kyushuites (9 in 20-29 year-old, 6 in 30-39 year-old, 11 in 40-49 year-old, 17 in 50-59 year old, 9 in 60 and older) was done from both the scopical and the metrical points of view. The data were obtained not only by the others' methods including the Martin-Saller's, but also by the author's own. The author statistically compared these data with those of the other Japanese local groups, Mongolians, Ainus, Germans and the French. Regarding the foramen magnum of the male Middle Kyushuites, the two-semicircular shape was observed most frequently, and this was the same as Germans. And the means of its length and its breadth were smaller than those of the Kantoites of Sudo (1952). The mean of the area of the foramen magnum was 827.6mm^2. The complete oval shape of the external orifice of the canalis caroticus occurred more frequently on the right side than on the left side. The complete bony bridging of the foramen jugulare tended to be more frequent on the right side than on the left side. And this was the same as the Kantoites. The double complete bony bridging of the foramen jugulare was observed on the left side of 48-year-old male. These divided foramen must be separately penetrated by the internal jugular vein, the glossopharyngeal n., the vagus n., and the accessory nerve, respectively. The cases of the bony bridging of the canalis hypoglossi of the male Middle Kyushuites were also observed and its frequency was lower than that of the male Ainu of Dodo (1974). The absence of the canalis condylaris was observed more in the male Middle Kyushuites than in the Ainu. The antero-posterior ratio of the double jugular foramen was 6.2, and the posterior part was larger than the anterior part. The antero-posterior ratio of the double hypoglossal canal was 2.3, and the posterior part was larger than the anterior part.
- 1986-08-25
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