抜歯創の治癒過程におよぼすステロイド剤 (Prednisolone) の影響に関する実験的研究
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A considerable number of clinical and laboratory observations have been reported to indicate that adrenocorticotrophic hormone and adrenocortical hormone inhibit the growth of granulation tissue and thereby retard the healing of wounds. The literature on the effect of adrenocortical hormone in the healing process of extraction wounds is not frequent. In addition, the report may be deemed insufficient from a thorough experimental observation point of view. The present report was undertaken to determine the healing process of extraction wounds in adult dogs by prolonged administration of adrenocortical hormone (prednisolone). The animals were divided into control and three experimental groups. The prednisolone was administered oraly once daily for some days before the extraction wound was made and thereafter until the time of sacrifice. The doses of each groups were daily 0.25mg./kg., 0.5mg./kg., and 5mg./kg. of body weight. The animals were sacrificed in groups after extraction so that wounds of the following duration could be examined : one, three, five, seven, ten, fourteen, twenty-one, thirty, forty and fifty days. The results are summarized as follows. Study of healing of extraction wounds in prednisolone-treated dogs showed retardation of the healing process since an early stage after the extraction of teeth and thereby retarded the wound healing. 1. There appeared slow re-epithelization of the extraction wounds in the treated animals. 2. There appeared to be inhibition of organization of blood clot. 3. There appeared to be inhibition of growth and maturation of granulation tissue replacement. 4. There appeared to be interference with formation and growth of new bone in the sockets throughout the experiment. 5. The healing process of extraction wounds were delayed in proportion to the amount of prednisolone administered. 6. All significant alterations observed in this study are thought to appear due to the retardation of the production of all mesenchymal cellular elements of repair.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1973-11-30
- X 線頭部規格写真を応用した, 唇・顎・口蓋裂患者の上顎測定法
- 1. 頭部 X 線規格写真を応用した唇, 顎, 口蓋裂患者の上顎測定法(10 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 46. Kirschner 鋼線による顎関節頸部骨折の治療例
- 30. 顔面複雑骨折の 1 例
- 16. 口唇麻痺による開咬の一症例について(一般講演抄録)
- 抜歯創の治癒過程におよぼすステロイド剤 (Prednisolone) の影響に関する実験的研究 : 主論文内容の要旨
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- 抜歯創の治癒過程におよぼすステロイド剤 (Prednisolone) の影響に関する実験的研究
- 31. 熊本大学歯科口腔外科における過去 5 年間の入院患者の動態について
- 30. 熊大歯科口腔外科における口腔出血の統計的観察
- 29. 上顎前歯部に発現した悪性黒色腫について
- 26. 複合レジン充填材の臨床的検討(第 32 回九州歯科学会総会報告)
- 24. 抜歯創の治癒過程に及ぼすステロイド剤の影響に関する実験的研究 : 第 III 報 大量投与群について(第 32 回九州歯科学会総会報告)
- 46. 抜歯創の治癒過程におよぼすステロイド剤の影響に関する実験的研究 : 第 2 報副腎所見について(第 30 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 40. 骨創腔処理にあたっての Freeze-Dried Bone の応用(第 30 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 2. Spina mentalis 再生の経験(10 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 最近 3 カ年間における術後性頬部嚢胞の臨床的観察
- Cheilitis granulomatosa の一例
- 57. "いわゆる油症" 2 例の口腔所見について(第 29 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 5. 最近 3 カ年間に於ける術後性頬部嚢胞の臨床的観察(九州歯科学会月例会報告, 6 月例会)
- 69. 過去 1 年間の(昭和 41 年度)の本教室における抗生剤の使用状況について
- 発症時期を異にして舌下部ならびにおとがい下部にあらわれた皮様嚢胞の1例
- 左側頬部に発生したcirsoidangiomaの1例
- 歯牙腫の2例
- 油症 (塩化ビフェニール中毒症) 2例の口腔所見について
- 前後8回の切開排膿をくりかえした側頸部嚢胞の1例