The First Publication of the Official Journal of the Japanese Society for Oral Pathology
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is a great pleasure for us to issue the first official journal of the Japanese Society for Oral Pathology (JSOP), formerly called the Japanese Association of Oral Pathologists (JAOP). JAOP was started in 1989 by oral pathologists in Japan to collaborate with the International Association of Oral Pathologists (IAOP) in preparing their 5th International Congress in Tokyo in 1990. Since this meeting, JAOP has held 5 annual meetings, in Nagoya (1991), Tokyo (1992), Fukuoka (1993), Tokyo (1994), and Sapporo (1995). The 1996 annual meeting will be held in Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture, at the end of August. In 1995, JAOP was renamed JSOP in order to include people of other specialities such as oral surgery, oral radiology, periodontology, endodontics, and pedodontics in addition to oral pathology. We also decided to publish our official academic journal in English twice a year, and the present journal is, as mentioned earlier, the first publication of JSOP. All those with an academic interest in the field of oral medicine and pathology are welcome to submit their manuscripts to this journal. We also receive with pleasure any opinions, not only from the members of JSOP but also from other academics within dentistry, which might enhance the standard of this publication. At present, JSOP has 319 members in total, 249 oral patholigists from 29 dental universities throughout Japan, and 70 members from other academic specialities. We now hope to widen our member ship further to all academics in dentistry and to make the society an important organization in the area of Oral Pathology. The details of the history of JSOP are described in the following article by Dr. Tetsuo Ishiki, professor emeritus of Niigata University and former president of Fukuoka Dental College, who was chairman of the local organizing committee of the 5th International Congress of IAOP in Tokyo in 1990. Finally, we are convinced that JSOP will make a significant contribution to the progress of dentistry, both in Japan and further afield.
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- The First Publication of the Official Journal of the Japanese Society for Oral Pathology