重症結核患者の精神指導療法的研究 (第3報)
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We sometimes encounter clinical situations that despite the fact that the symptoms of a terminal patient on the edge of death temporarily becomes better as if the turning to amelioration of symptoms arase, the symptoms soon aggravate and consequently death ensue. We call such situations the phenomenon of interpolated healing, and we have studiied this phenomenon from the view point of peychosomatic medicine. This phenomenon was observed . in about 40 % of 77 died patients. In the most cases, this phenomenon closed three days before. death and persisted two days long. Physiological symptoms that are observed in the highest percentage during this phenomenon were chiefly improvement of anorexia, respiration, and sleeping, and in some cases diminution of oedema and cyanosis. The causative ' factors of this phenomenon were 'care and encouragement by members of their families. Physicians and nurses can notice this phenomenon:L properly in about half patients, but half of the patients and half members of their families are in the state of psychological unstableness as the result of uncertainness of their judging this phenomenon of interpolated healing. In addition, when we classify general attitudes toward death into eight groups, the group of patients who accept their own death occupies 39%, shoving the highest percentage.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1971-06-01
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- 重症結核患者に対する精神指導療法の研究(第1報)
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- 重症結核患者の精神指導療法(第2報)
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