米政策転換期における新潟県中上層稲作農家の経営戦略 : 北蒲原郡中条町を事例に
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In Japan, the price of rice has fallen sharply since the Staple Food I-aw was enforced in 1995. This paper aims to consider what types of living strategies towards this impact are available for farmers in Niigata Prefecture, one of the most favored rice-farming regions in Japan. The research was conducted in Nakajo Town. Four types of strategics derived from recent reports should be examined: marketing of value-added products, increasing off-farming work, diversified farming and enlargement of rice fields. The findings are as follows. Although a farmer's group tried to market value-added products at higher prices, it proved less successful than expected. This was because the supply met the demand of their regular consumers soon and the surplus was rushed to sell to wholesalers who struggle to beat down the price. Most farmers do not go further into off-farming work any more. Their off-farming work remain unstable, which makes this strategy unfeasible for them. They prefer trying to introduce other profitable crops, such as flowers or vegetables in greenhouses. However, it is predicted that prices of these crops would also decrease because of floods of imported agricultural goods. The present advantage and stability of this strategy should vanish soon. It shall be noted that many farmers are not reducing their rice fields, because rice farming needs little time and effort. They continue producing rice at the present scale as well as introducing other new crops, which makes it difficult for those who want to collect lands to take the strategy for enlargement of paddy fields.
- 2003-01-28
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