Pneumatic nerve root compressionの2例 : Extradural gas in association with lumbar disc herniation
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The finding of gas in the intervertebral disc space, known as the "vacuum phenomenon" is common on radiographic studies of the lumbar spine. Whereas intraspinal epidural gas or gas-containing lumbar disc herniation are rarely observed ; and fewer than 30 cases have been reported in recent literatures. We report two cases of women who experienced unilateral sciatica, and confirm an intraspinal gas pseudocyst radiographically and surgically. Referring to the literatures, intraspinal epidural gas can be classified into three categories ; i) Intraspinal free gas. ii) Intraspinal gas pseudocyst, of which the cyst wall reveals nonspecific fibrous tissue identical to the ligament itself histologycally. iii) gas-containing disc hernia, in which the wall reveals the intervertebral disc itself. The second and the third conditions cause radicular pain.
- 日本脊髄外科学会の論文
- 2005-03-31
久保 和親
水野 正喜
久保 和親
水野 正喜
和賀 志郎
丹羽 恵彦
野地 雅人
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- Pneumatic nerve root compressionの2例 : Extradural gas in association with lumbar disc herniation
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