上位頚椎脊柱管内に発生したjuxta-facet cystの2例
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Intraspinal juxta-facet cysts of the cervical spine are rare. We report two cases of juxta-facet cysts of the upper cervical spine, one of which was arising after cervical spinal surgery and the other that involved the cruciform ligament of the odontoid process. The first case was a 65-year-old male who had received C1 laminectomy and C3-C6 laminoplasty for myelopathy. Follow-up MRIs after 2 months showed a small cystic lesion at the dorsal below right lateral atlanto-axial joint. It had grown gradually and consequently it had compressed the spinal cord with symptoms of right neck and shoulder pain. The second case was a 70-year-old female who presented sensory disturbance in the left arm and leg. MRIs of the cervical spine revealed an extradural mass located posteriorly to the dens. Both of them were removed by transdural approach and then their symptoms were resolved. Based on the MRIs and pathological findings, diagnosis of juxta-facet cysts, which rarely occur at the cervical spine, were made. We present these very rare cases of upper cervical juxta-facet cysts and their successful treatment with surgical management.
- 日本脊髄外科学会の論文
- 2004-11-30
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