- 論文の詳細を見る
On July 19,1997 a slope failure occurred at Hokuyo-machi in Nagasaki City by which no one was killed or injured in spite of 7 dwellings being destroyed. In this paper the authors discuss some important lessons on crisis consciousness and crisis management through the case study. In order to obtain the lesson interviews were made with the leader of inhabitants council of Hokuyo-machi and with members in the Park Department of Nagasaki City Office, and a consciousness survey was carried out for inhabitants of Hokuyo-machi with questionnaires. As a result it is revealed that the discovery of sign phenomenon of cracking at the slope, the evacuation of inhabitants spontaneously before the slope failure, and the combination of inhabitants council, city office and police office which addressed the evacuation of inhabitants by themselves were very effective to save inhabitants lives. This fact proves the existence of crisis consciousness in inhabitants of Hokuyo-machi and the accomplishment of crisis management in the inhabitants council, city office and police office which were concerned in the slope failure hazard in Hokuyo-machi.
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