- 論文の詳細を見る
An increase in surface rainfall-runoff following urbanization of hilly regions augments the flood danger in the downstream basin. In order to cope with this problem, storm-runoff control should be considered as regards the entire urbanized district. In this study, a storm-runoff control method, which makes part of the rainfall infiltate the soil with the aid of buried porous pipe, is examined. The mechanisms of rainfall infiltration from the pipe, especially the relationships between infiltration quantity, water pressure in the pipe, rainfall infiltration from the earth surface and initial soil moisture content, are clarified by means of experiments and numerical analysis. Next, the numerical calculations for 4 kinds of soil are carried out to clarify the relationship between permeability of soil and the infiltration quantity from the porous pipe. In addition, an equation for the infiltration quantity from the porous pipe is presented. Finally, assuming a case where porous pipes are installed in the hilly residential area in the northern district of Uji city, a rainfall-runoff analysis is conducted and the storm-runoff effect is concretely presented.
- 日本自然災害学会の論文
- 1988-12-20
- 海岸帯水槽における淡塩境界面の変動と電気探査による境界面の推定に関する研究
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