"1662年 (寛文2年)-日向灘地震" の沿岸被害記述に関する考察
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The Hyuganada earthquake that occurred in 1662 (Kanbun 2 Nen) is considered as the largest among the earthquakes affected Miyazaki prefecture, Japan, which are recorded in the "Rikanenpyo" (Chronological Scientific Tables). The aspect of coastal disasters caused by this earthquake are recently published in some research works. However, there are a few problematic descriptions conceivably due to misunderstanding of historical records or ancient manuscripts about the tsunamigenic disasters caused by this earthquake in the references. In this paper, the author attempted to clarify by examining the historical records and the related matters.
- 1993-06-30
- "1662年 (寛文2年)-日向灘地震" の沿岸被害記述に関する考察
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