The Role of Metalinguistic Awareness in the Acquisition of L2 Pronunciation
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Inspired by a recent survey of high school students in Hokkaido, Japan, which showed that most students learn no phonetic alphabet in school, presumably because of recent Monbusho guidelines which promote "communicative" teaching methods in the English language classroom, and by their encounters with Japanese high school graduates who exhibit poor pronunciation of English, the authors undertook two studies to see if explicit instruction in phoneme production was useful in improving pronunciation. The studies, involving 1^<st> and 2^<nd> year students at a Japanese women's university, showed that explicit instruction in a phonetic alphabet and in phoneme production does have a beneficial effect on the over-all intelligibility of pronunciation. Since one of the sample groups in the study improved from largely unintelligible to intelligible pronunciation presumably through the explicit instruction provided in the course of the study, the authors argue that such instruction should be incorporated into communicative methodology.
- 英米文化学会の論文
- 2004-03-31
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- The Role of Metalinguistic Awareness in the Acquisition of L2 Pronunciation
- 日本人学習者の英語学習活動に対する意識ー学生及び教師を対象に行なったアンケート調査をもとにしてー
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