肝機能とビタミンB_1との関係 : 肝機能, 尿沢田反応, 尿ピルビン酸, TISELIUS像
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Experiments were made on about 100 each of normal subjects and tuberculosis patients to see if there are any relations between the metabolism of thiamine, the metabolism of pyruvic acid and the liver function. 1) There was correlation between thiamine deficiency and disturbances in liver function and a more closer interrelation between thiamine deficiency and disturbances in metabolic function. 2) Sawada's urinary test was found to be interdependent upon disturbances in liver function and vagotonia. 3) In the group of subjects with liver function disturbances or vagotonia, there was a marked correlation between the results of Sawada's urinary test and those of thiamine administration test. 4) The cases showing an increased urinary excretion of pyruvic acid were all positive for Sawada's urinary test. 5) Changes in total protein and gamma globulin levels were most closely related to thiamine deficiency. 6) The group with positive Takada's test showed a rise in gamma globulin level, while the group with thiamine deficiency showed a fall in gamma globulin level.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 10. ロダン塩による腎障碍(第34回千葉医学会総会講演要旨)
- 54.複合ビタミン剤連続投与による皮膚疾患の観察(第7回大会研究発表要旨)
- 53.乳児濕疹および健康児のビタミンB_1,B_2(主として尿中排泄の観察)(第7回大会研究発表要旨)
- 62.各種皮膚疾患と潜伏性ビタミンB_1欠乏症について(第6回日本ビタミン学会研究発表要旨)
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- 17. 興味ある結膜嚢内異物(毛)について(第345回千葉医学会例会,第115回千葉眼科集談会連合会)
- ビタミンB_1・肝機能・尿沢田反応・尿ビルビン酸・チセリウスの関係
- 肝機能とビタミンB_1との関係 : 肝機能, 尿沢田反応, 尿ピルビン酸, TISELIUS像
- 開放性腎生検法(特別講演,第399回千葉医学会例会,第2回千葉泌尿器科集談会)
- 3. オーレオマイシン過敏症例(第26回皮膚泌尿器科集談会,第321回千葉医学会例会連合会)