- 論文の詳細を見る
Albino rabbits were used and Thyradin, Pretiron and Methiocil were administrated subcutaneously or intravenously. After various intervals, thiamine contents of the retina, choroid, optic nerve, vitreous body, aqueous humor, cerebrospinal fluid and blood were estimated by the thiochrome method. The animals were then thyroidectomized and after a lapse of 1,2 and 4 weeks the thiamine content of the ocular tissues and cerebrospinal fluid was estimated. The main results were as follows : 1) The administration of Thyradin (2 ml per kg) caused an increase of total thiamine content, especially combined thiamine, in the ocular tissues and cerebrospinal fluid. The authors consider that the imigration of thiamine was increased by Thyradin, while phosphoration was specially accelerated. 2) The continuous administraion of Thyradin (0.1 ml per kg) caused a marked decrease of thiamine content. This diminution may be due to an excess of metabolism in ocular tissues aroused by the administration of thyroid hormone. 3) The continuous administration of Methiocil (100 mg per kg) resulted in a marked increase of thiamine content in the ocular tissues and cerebrospinal fluid. Two weeks after the thyroidectomy, the thiamine content increased markedly too. The authors consider that the increase of thiamine content is due to the reduction of metabolism caused by the administration of Methiocil or thyroidectomy. 4) The administration of Pretiron (300 units per kg) and thiamine caused a more remarkable increase of total thiamine content, especially combined one, in the ocular tissues and cerebrospinal fluid than the administration of thiamine alone. This increase in the combined thiamine seems to be due to an acceleration of phosphoration caused by thyrotropic hormone.
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