- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study aimed at specifying the coping strategies with an inconsistent feedback with one's self-concept from other, and secondly examining the effect of feedback receiver's feeling on choice process of the coping strategies. The respondents were 288 male and female university students who had called to mind an inconsistent feedback situation. They were asked to evaluate several traits of one's self-concept in question, the feedback information, and the sender. Subsequently, they rated one's feeling (pleasant-unpleasant) and the degree of using the coping strategies in time of that situation. The main findings were as follow. ; (1) the coping strategies were classified into nine type.; (2) the receiver's feeling was generally an intermediate variable between the traits of that situation and use of the coping strategies.; (3) when the receiver perceived that situation an unpleasant scene, his choice process was influenced by each trait of that situation. But in a pleasant receiver, it was under the Influence of the feedback information only.
- 1990-11-16
- 515 校則にみる学校組織の制度化に関する研究 : IV. 学校規模との関連(校則・規範,社会2,社会)
- 514 校則にみる学校組織の制度化に関する研究 : III. 校則の実態(校則・規範,社会2,社会)
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- 対人関係の親密化に伴う自己開示と類似・異質性認知の変化
- 社会的フィードバックへの対処方略の類型化と、その選択に際しての規定因に受け手の感情が及ぼす効果
- The Effect of Social Feedback on Receiver's Self-Concept Change: An Examination of the Role of Receiver's Perception on Sender's Self-Concept
- 学校組織の制度化に関する研究--中学校校則の内容分析に基づいて (教育集団力学)