日本語版セクシュアル・ハラスメント可能性尺度についての検討 : セクシュアル・ハラスメントに関する心理学的研究
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The purpose of the study was to create a Japanese version of Pryor (1987) "Likelihood to Sexual Harassment scale" (LSH scale) and to assess its reliability and determinants. The scale meas ures differences among individuals regarding their likelihood of carrying out sexual harassment. Japanese male undergraduate students (N=192) completed questionnaires on the LSH scale and sexual attitudes (i.e., sex role stereotyping, adversarial sexual beliefs, sexual conservatism, and acceptance of interpersonal violence). The results of principal component analysis and alpha coefficients showed the high reliability of the scale. Japanese male participants who had hostile attitudes to women produced high scores of the LSH scale. In addition, the LSH scores were higher in male participants who evaluated as trivial, rather than severe, behaviors that considered as sexual harassment in Japan and who anticipated sexual attraction to be women's sex role.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
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- 日本語版セクシュアル・ハラスメント可能性尺度についての検討 : セクシュアル・ハラスメントに関する心理学的研究