刑事司法の指標の発展的価値 (<特集>I 犯罪指標の再検討)
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An index is another simpler, and numerical expression of a complex phenomenon or an abstract concept. So well constructed indexes would give us an accurate and plain understanding of that phenomenon or concept. This paper deals with improvement of criminal justice indexes, especially statistical indexes used in the criminology and the administration of the criminal justice. Seven volumes of the criminal justice statistics are published annually in Japan by three agencies. They are : Police Crime Statistics, the Ministry of Justice Annual Report of Prosecution, the Supreme Court Annual Report of Criminal Procedure, the Supreme Court Annual Report of Juvenile Procedure, the Ministry of Justice Annual Report of Correction I and II, and the Ministry of Justice Annual Report of Parole and Probation. The kinds of statistical items of each volume were presented in summary at the end of this paper. It is pointed out that official statistics compiled by the criminal justice agencies are a source of objective and usefui knowledge and at the same time a source of imperfection and error messages. Aside from the immaturity or intentional manipulation of data collection and input by the criminal justice personnel, these imperfection and error derive from our incomplete interpretation about what these statistical indexes indicate. They are neither more nor ldss than what we expect, and in present society the mass media intervene between the statistics and us. Thus our understanding of the criminal justice statistics depends partly upon the quality of the mass media. Several issues on the criminal justice statistics have been discussed until the present. Some of them seem to be legitimate, and others to be meaningless. Further mention was made of such problems as a sense or nonsense of a durk figure, the proposal of consumer-oriented statistics, regarding statistics as reflecting either a reality or a wishful thinking of the routine work of the agencies, a criminologist's way of approach to the statistics, a new conceptual definition of crime and crime rate, the idea of the criminal justice system being defined as a value-added process, not as an arbitrary decision making process, the concept of criminal justice system as a social organization composed of its personnel, and a new type of statistics for the sake of crime prevention rather than for processing criminals. Those new conceptualization of the crime and criminal justice system will certainly stimulate and promote improvement of the production of the existing statistics and a better understanding of them.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
- 1986-00-00
- 安全と消費者主義犯罪学 : 序論 (非行・犯罪研究と日本社会の"安全性")
- 刑事司法の指標の発展的価値 (I 犯罪指標の再検討)
- 伝統主義態度と刑事政策観
- 物が豊かな社会における犯罪発生 : マンスフィールドの予測モデルの追試をめぐって