- 論文の詳細を見る
The gas-liquid cocurrent downflow system in which the liquid velocity is slightly higher than the slip velocity of gas bubbles gives a very large volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. It is thus expected that this system can be applied as an apparatus to dissolve enriched oxygen gas.A mathematical model was presented to simulate the oxygen transfer and to predict the oxygen utilization in the cocurrent downflow tower. Good agreement between the predicted values according to the model and the experimental data was revealed. Illustrative calculations also showed that the amount of carbon dioxide and nitorgen, especially the former, dissolved in the feed liquid considerably reduced the oxygen utilization, when the oxygen dissolution from the enriched oxygen gas was carried out in the present system. It was found that the amount of oxygen dissolved per unit power consumed, including the power to produce the enriched oxygen gas, reached the maximum at a specified amount of oxygen dissolved per unit time and unit cross sectional area of the tower.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1980-07-25
久保田 宏
藤江 幸一
高稲 正美
久保田 宏
藤江 幸一
横浜国立大学大学院 環境情報研究院
久保田 宏
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