結晶のモルフォロジーからみたbiocrystallizationにおけるnormal growthとabnormal growth
- 論文の詳細を見る
Morphologies of single crystals (ployhedral, hopper, dendritic) and cryatal aggregates (spherulitic) are determined by the interface roughness and its anisotropy, driving force for crystal growth (supersaturation, super-cooling), and environmental conditions. Morphologies of crystals will be different between the cases where free growth is allowed and where growth is constrained by the environmental factors. Based on this, morphological characteristics of crystals and crystal aggregates of natural minerals and those formed by biocrystallization are compared. It is noticed that crystals formed by abnormal growth (such as gall stones, urea stones) take morphological characteristics of freely grown crystals (e. g. spherulitic), whereas those formed by normal growth (such as apatite in bone and tooth, aragonite and calcite in shells) do not show such morphologies. As possible constraining factors, 1) co-operative growth of organic and inorganic matters, and 2) growth in small enclosed environment, are mentioned.
- 日本結晶成長学会の論文
- 1985-04-05
- 17aC03 天然水晶における底面の出現(結晶評価・その場観察(1),第35回結晶成長国内会議)
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- Bulgarian Academic Monographs (1), Crystal Habits of Minerals, Ivan Kostov and Ruslan I. Kostov著, Prof. Martin Drinov Academic Publishing House & Pensoft, Sofia, 170×240, 415ページ, 1999, US$ 65.00
- Sir Charles Frank, OBE, FRS(1911年3月6日〜1998年4月5日,享年87才)追悼
- Advances in the Understanding of Crystal Growth Mechanisms, T. Nishinaga, K. Nishioka, J. Harada, A. Sasaki & H. Takei (Eds.), North-Holland, 17×24.5 cm, pp. 600, 1997
- Wiley Series in Solution Chemistry Vol. 3 Crystallization Processes, H Ohtaki著, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 15.0×23.5 cm, pp 208, 1998
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- K.Sangwal and R.Rodriguez-Clemente著, 『Surface Morphology of Crystalline Solids』, Trans Tech.Pub.Ltd., Zurich, 1991, pp.405+30(記号,著者別,項目別索引), ペーパーバック, カメラレディ印刷
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