- 論文の詳細を見る
Description of Aplanobacter cissicola TAKIMOTO A bacterial disease on Cissus japonica WILLD., with black spots on the leaves has been noted. The causal organism is believed to be a heretofore undescribed species, and proposed the name Aplanobacter cissicola n. sp. The descreption of the bacteria is as follows: A non-motile short rod with rounded ends, occures in single or in pair. Measures 1.0-2.0×0.5-0.9μ, no spore but capsule formed. Gram negative. Colonies on potato extract agar are circular, convex, smooth, and dirty white. Feebly clouded in beef bouillon followed by precipitation of pellicle and rim. Gelatin not liquefied, milk digested without coagulation ; good growth in USCHINSKY's solution with the formation of pellicle, green pigment and increased viscidity. Strict aerobic, nitrate not reduced, nor hydrogen sulphide and indol produces. Starch is not digested, no acid nor gas from sucrose, glucose, lactose and glycerin. Salt toleration 3%. Minimum temprature for growth 10℃, maximum 35℃, opimum 30℃, with the termal death point of 49-50℃. The host is limited to Cissus japonica WILLD., being nonparasitic on other vines.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1939-04-30
- 胡瓜の苗の腰折及び顆實の軟化腐敗を生ずる Pythium に就て
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- 本邦に於ける作物の細菌性腐敗病菌に關する研究 : I. 病原菌の形態的性質
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- 日本に於ける細菌寄生の植物病害 : V タウキンセンクワの細菌病
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