作物のフザリゥム病に関する研究 : 第1報 キュウリ幼苗根圏糸状菌と立枯れ発生との関係
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The present paper deals with the result of experiments on the rhizosphere microflora of cucumber seed1ings and the effect of rhizosphere fungi on the damping-off of cucumber seed1ings inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerinum. Fusarium sp., Botrytis sp., Trichoderma sp., Penicilliumsp., Aspergillus sp. and unidentified Basidiomycetes etc. were isolated from rhizosphere of cucumber seedlings. Fusarium spp. were most frequently isolated from the rhizosphere of cucumber seedlings. Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerinum (F22), when inoculated in steri1ized soil, attacked cucumber seed1ings and caused typical damping-off. Occurrences of preemergence and post-emergence damping-off of seed1ings, however, were somewhat influenced by the presence of rhizosphere fungi in soi1, and the occurrence of the both type damping-off was extensively delayed by the concomitant inoculation of F 22 with rhizosphere fungi. The extent of delay was remarkable when several fungi were inoculated concomitantly with F 22, The retarded growth of seed1ings due to the infection of F 22 was also negated by additional presence of rhizosphere fungi. These results suggested that occurrence pattern of pre-emergence and post-emergence damping-off in the field might be extensively influenced by the rhizosphere fungi
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1969-09-30
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