CD134 Ligand Deficiency Diminishes Graft Arterial Diseases in Murine Cardiac Allocarafts
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2002-03-31
Isobe Mitsuaki
Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Libby Peter
Cardiovascular Medicine Harvard Medical School
Libby Peter
Cardiovascular Division Brigham And Women's Hospital
Mitchell Richard
Cardiovascular Medicine Harvard Medical School
Suzuki Jun-ichi
Cardiovascular Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Suzuki Jun-ichi
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Koga Noritaka
Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Koga Noritaka
Department Of Cardiovasular Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Isobe Mitsuaki
Cardiovascular Medicine Division Of Systemic Organ Regulation Tokyo Medical And Dental University Gr
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