Role of Relative Myocardial Perfusion Reserve for Evaluating Stenosis Severity in Patients With Single-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease Using [^<13>N] Ammonia and Positron Emission Tomography
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A statistically significant correlation was observed between the severity of anatomic stenosis and coronary flow reserve in experimental animals. A similar correlation in human coronary artery disease(CAD) was shown using positron emission tomography(PET) and pharmacologic vasodilator stress. The present study tested whether the concept of relative myocardial perfusion reserve(MPR) might be superior to absolute MPR in correlating coronary stenosis determined by quantitative coronary arteriography in patients with single vessel CAD using [^<13>N]ammonia and PET. The study group comprised 21 patients (62±10 years old; 15 men, 6 women) with normal left ventricular function who underwent angioplasty for isolated left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. Absolute MPR, the ratio of dipyridamole-induced hyperemic blood flow to baseline blood flow by [^<13>N]ammonia PET, and relative MPR, the ratio of MPR in regions supplied by stenosed coronary arteries to MPR in remote regions, were measured before and 3 months after angioplasty. The percent diameter stenosis was also quantified on coronary arteriograms just before the angioplasty and again at 3 months after. The study found that absolute MPR (r=0.755; p<0.0001) and relative MPR (r=0.814; p<0.0001) were inversely and nonlinearly correlated with the percent stenosis on angiography. The fitting curve of the correlation between relative MPR and coronary stenosis on angiography was identical to that observed in animal models. Therefore, relative MPR measured by [^<13>N]ammonia PET more accurately and specifically describes stenosis severity in patients with CAD compared with absolute MPR, probably because of its independence from hemodynamic variations and the effects of coronary risk factors.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2000-12-20
Masuda Yoshiaki
Department Of Cardiology Chiba Rosai Hospital
Watanabe Shigeru
The Japanese Society Of Ct Screening
Watanabe Shigeru
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Yoshida K
Department Of Cardiology Kawasaki Medical School
Watanabe Satoshi
千葉大学 第3内科
Odaka Kenichi
Molecular Imaging Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Odaka Kenichi
Molecular Imaging Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Yoshida Katsuya
Department Of Internal Medicine Iii Osaka Medical College
Odaka Kenichi
Department Of Cardiovascular Science And Medicine Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yoshida Katsuya
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
MASUDA Yoshiaki
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Odaka Kenichi
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Masuda Yoshiaki
The Japanese Society Of Ct Screening
Third Division ,Department of Internal Medicine,Chiba University
Tamura Takashi
Tobu Chiiki Hospital
Odaka Kenichi
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Satoh Mikio
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Miyamoto Keicho
Tobu Chiiki Hospital
Satoh Mikio
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Yoshida Katsuya
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences Nagoya University Graduate School
Fujiwara Masaki
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Masuda Yoshiaki
Chiba Univ.
Masuda Yoshiaki
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Schoolof Medicine Chiba University
Nakagawa Keiichi
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Nakagawa Keiichi
Department Of Cardiovascular Science And Medicine Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
Watanabe Shigeru
Department Of Cardiovascular Science And Medicine Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
Masuda Yoshiaki
3rd. Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Chiba University
Masuda Yoshiaki
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University
Masuda Yoshiaki
The Third Dept. Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Sigeru
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Masuda Yoshiaki
2nd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. School Of Medicine Chiba University
Matsuoka Yushi
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
Masuda Yoshiaki
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine Chiba
Masuda Yoshiaki
The Third Departments Of Internal Medicine
Watanabe Shigeru
The Third Dept. Of Intern. Med. Chiba Univ. School Of Med.
Watanabe Shigeru
Graduate School Of Medicine Chiba University
Watanabe Shigeru
The Third Departments Of Internal Medicine
Watanabe Shigeru
The Third Clinical Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
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