- 論文の詳細を見る
The sexual maturation of adults and development of the larvae of Halyomorpha halys reared on Japanese cedar cones were investigated in Akita Prefecture, in the northern part of Japan in 2002 and 2003. Adult females reared on cones in the laboratory and in the field laid no eggs, and died shortly thereafter. Second-instar larvae reared on the cones never developed into the 3rd-instar both in the field and in the laboratory, except for only a few individuals in the field. All 3rd-instar and most 4th-instar larvae reared on the cones died without further development, although some 4th-instar larvae reared on cones collected after late July developed into the 5th-instar. In contrast, many 2nd-instar larvae fed the seeds that were taken out of cones collected after late July developed into the 3rd-instar. These results suggest that the mature seeds of cones are suitable for the development of H. halys larvae, but that indehiscent cones are not. Because most cones do not dehisce until October in Akita Prefecture, it is considered that most H. halys in this area cannot lay eggs and develop into adults by feeding on Japanese cedar cones.
- 2005-11-25
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