K-0807 R6法におけるパラメータの確率論的影響度評価(S11-2 構造健全性評価(2))(S11 構造健全性評価)
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This paper presents a parameter sensitivity study on the probabilistic elastic-plastic failure analysis of a circumferential through-wall-cracked pipe subject to bending. The analysis is performed by the FORM based on the R6 option 1 methodology. Both the sensitivity of a reliability index due to a standardized variation of the mean value of the basic variable and the approximate measure for the stochastic importance of the basic variable are evaluated considering a side riser pipe made of Type 304 stainless steel from a boiling water reactor plant.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-08-22
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- K-0807 R6法におけるパラメータの確率論的影響度評価(S11-2 構造健全性評価(2))(S11 構造健全性評価)
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