2825 確率的に故障する単一ユニットシステムの検査時刻 : 評価関数が最適解に及ぼす影響
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Optimum inspection schedules for a single-unit system are studied, in which the time to failure of a system is described by a probability density function, and a continuous inspection density function is assumed to exist. Two types of objectives are considered : (1) the sum of the expected costs per cycle, where the cost elements are inspection cost, loss cost and replacement cost (O1) and (2) the expected incurred cost per unit time over an infinite time horizon (O2). The variational method is utilized to derive optimum inspection schedules, where the functional of O1 is nonfractional and the functional of O2 is fractional. The effect of the objectives on optimum schedules is examined.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-08-05
- 2825 確率的に故障する単一ユニットシステムの検査時刻 : 評価関数が最適解に及ぼす影響
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