2126 微小重力下沸騰実験用高機能伝熱面の研究開発
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To study relations between the microlayer underneath an attached bubble and local heat transfer in nucleate boiling, a new heating surface with microheater arrays is developed to have a size of a bubble diameter encountered under microgravity conditions. The surface temperature of the heating surface can be controlled at constant and behaviors of bubbles are observed from underneath by using a transparent substrate. Heater arrays are deposited on the other side of liquid to avoid the problem of heat loss to the substrate which makes difficult to evaluate the heat flux data with high accuracy. Details of the heating surface specification and results for preliminary tests under 1-g conditions are shown. The spatial and time-resolved data of surface temperature demonstrates that the new heating surface can measure definitely the sharp variation of surface temperature during boiling process exactly corresponding to the liquid-vapor behaviors on it.
- 2003-08-05
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