1417 蒸気インジェクタ内部の噴流構造に関する研究
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A steam injector is useful in various industries since it is a simple, compact and passive component. In order to develop high performance steam injector, it is necessary to clarify flow structure of two-phase jet. We carried out experiments to observe the internal behavior of the water jet as well as measure velocity and temperature. It was confirmed that the steam was supersonic at the outlet of the steam nozzle and the measured velocity in the mixing nozzle was 400-409m/s. The radial velocity and temperature distributions were obtained and they suggested that the similarity rule was applicable to the water jet in a steam injector as well as the turbulence flow in a circular pipe. It was concluded that the steam nozzle figure was one of the most important parameter for the performance of steam injector. Furthermore, the characteristic analysis model we have proposed evaluated well discharge pressure.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-08-05
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