1020 宇宙用アンモニア小型ギアポンプの開発
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This paper describes the development of small-sized mechanical pump. The pump can be used in thermal control system, like as mechanical pump loops, of future spacecraft. Three main design features of this pump are; 1) Ammonia is the working fluid. It has a very low viscosity and it is the best coolant for space application. 2) The pump is very small-sized and lightweight, which is highly desired for space applications. 3) Amorphous carbon is used for the inner and outer gears and bearings of the pump. The pump's external diameter is 48mm and thickness is 15.6mm. At 4000the rpm gear speed, the maximum flow rate for the ammonia is about 0.5 liter per minute. Miniaturization was achieved by using bearings made from amorphous carbon and using an axial type motor instead of a radial type motor. Future applications of this pump include not only space applications, but also medical instruments, and cooling systems for high heat generating computers and electronic devices.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
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