- 論文の詳細を見る
The intracuff pressure of a high-volume low-pressure cuff increases when N_2O permeates into the cuff during oxide anesthesia. In order to prevent the pressure increase, various methods have been proposed ; however, none of them are fully satistactory.Recentry we have made a cuff pressure regulator for trial, which showed fairly good results under nitrous oxide anesthesia. The following is a detail on the regulator.The structure of the device is : A bellow, which moves with no resistance against press and stretch, is suspended from the upper plate of an airtight box. The upper end of the bellow is exposed to the atmospher, while the lower end is in the shape on which a weight can be placed. When the regulator is connected with a cuff, inner pressure of W(g) / S(cm^2)[W : weight ; S : cross section area of the bellow]is given, and it keeps intracuff pressure constant, only the bellow being expanded and contracted at the time when nitrous oxide permeates into the cuff as well as when gases permeates out of the cuff.For our clinical tests, we set the inner pressure at 20cmH_2O, and GOF Anesthesia with N_2O 4l/min, O_2 2l/min, and fluothane less than 1.0% was applied to patients. Our tests proved that cuff pressure was kept cnsotant even under the anesthesia as long as six hours.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 1981-12-01
瀬戸屋 健三
山本 巌
宮本 恒彦
宮本 恒彦
瀬戸屋 健三
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